Our Core Value

Home Our Core Value

Our Core Value

Integrity, kindness, honesty, and financial security are typical examples of our core values. We pride ourselves on putting the client at the heart of everything we do. We work to understand what is important to you and create a financial life plan and investment strategy to help you achieve your goals.


At CECAMS our motivation is the future, yes how we can influence how things would be. This is our Drive. This is what keeps our eye on the ball, on what matters most to you at all times. The helps you and us to work together to transform your goals into reality.


We are in a unique spot to bridge the gap between the average person and the world’s marketplace. We spend time to understand your needs and create you future together. Our success rests close understanding of both our clients and the marketplace’s needs and the aspirations and the rewarding  challenges of fulfilling both.


We strive to maintain and improve our society by continuously giving back, by doing thus we create immeasurable value by the positive change we bring about. We consistently strive to make a difference to the people who believe in us ‐ our clients, our creditors, our investors, our business partners, our staff.


We are a group would to guard out honesty, trust and integrity, these are at the heart of everything we say and do.

Risk Control

Our purpose is not to periodically outperform the markets, our goal is simply to consistently deliver superior performance with less-than-commensurate risk. Above-average gains in good times are not necessarily proof of a manager’s skill; it takes superior performance in bad times to prove that those good-time gains were earned through skill, not simply chance. We place the highest priority on preventing losses of hard earned cash and seed capital,  simply it is our overriding belief that we work tirelessly to avoid losses, and definitely “the winners will take care of themselves”.

Emphasis on consistency

Oscillating between top-quartile results in good years and bottom-quartile results in bad years is not acceptable to us. It is our belief that a superior record is best built on a high batting average rather than a mix of brilliant successes and dismal failures.

Request a Call Back

Whether you’re looking for investment in properties or interested in trading in shares, funds or other equities, our professional advisors will provide you with detailed investment information you need and the choice of investments to help you achieve your investment goals.

Call (+234) 90 690 74741